Monday, July 22, 2013

What do you mean I only have one week left in London??

This has been my first time staying somewhere for three weeks. Not exactly a vacation, more like setting up a little home. As I have said before, I have a routine which includes a yoga class, a coffee house, flatmates who have become a little family...a routine. And when you spend three weeks in one spot, you think you have all the time in the world. So my first week was spent galavanting around London. Looking through shops, meandering around. Not a care in the world. I had lots of time!! Week two= oh. Well. I still have a lot of time. I'll see it next week. Week three =AHHHHHHHHHH!! I am going home soon!! I have so much to do!!! So, this week will be spent in a blur, getting last minute visits, shopping, and planning done. There is homework to be finished, packing to be done, and Dublin to be visited. 

But today was for Westminster Abbey. And the Abbey deserved a day. What a spectacular piece of history. It is a toss up, but my favorite part of the day goes between Hugh our tour guide, and seeing the tombs of Queen Mary and Queen Elizabeth. I couldn't take a picture of the tombs, but here is Hugh: 

After the Abbey we walked to the National Portrait Gallery. It was fun to wander through the halls and catch a glimpse of a famous painting. Also, we have a duck update! There was one in the National Gallery! With a beret and a palette! I got a little gun shy taking the picture, but here he is. Sad to say the National Gallery does not have him hanging out in a bathtub. Point, British Museum! 

Tomorrow will be an amazing day. I don't want to give away too much, but I will say there is a fascinator involved. Stay tuned. 

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait for tomorrow Did ya get 2 C Robert Burns, Dickens, Tenneyson or Kiplings tombs?
