Friday, July 26, 2013

Embracing your inner tourist

I get the idea that when you travel, you are supposed to become a part of the culture. I do. And to a large part, that is exactly what has happened while I have been in London. Now, granted, I have spent three weeks here, so I had a lot of time to become familiar with my surroundings. And my routine here has been well documented. Today, we are going to talk about the other stuff. The stuff you have to do because you are someplace new and different. Someplace where no one knows you. And then, my friends, you need to embrace your inner tourist.

This means taking goofy pictures and having others take goofy pictures for you. This generally involves stopping in the middle of the street to get the PERFECT picture. Ignore the guy looking at you funny. He goes on vacation, too.

This also means trying new foods. I have loved being able to wander around and find new restaurants and food stalls and eating the way the locals do. The other night we couldn't find a place to eat that we all agreed on and so we meandered for 45 minutes before finding the most delicious Indian restaurant.

Embracing your inner tourist means trying things you would have never tried before, or at home. Before coming to London, I went to Chicago where my boyfriend convinced me to do a Segway tour of the city. I would have preferred the kayaking, but I did it! I have the goofy pictures to prove it. So far in London I have kayaked down the Thames, went on the London Eye, and had a fish pedicure in Camden Markets. All of these are out of my comfort zone and all of them have given me memories I will never forget.

And so my friends, I say to you, take funny pictures, eat yummy food, stay off Segways, oh, and buy that goofy souvenir.

1 comment:

  1. Goofy is good! Can't wait to see the goofy souvenirs! Can't wait to see you and hear all
