Saturday, July 27, 2013

Getting my ducks in a row

You may remember my fascination with the rubber ducks around London. What are these ducks? Why are there themed ducks in every gift shop? I am sad to say I missed the Sherlock Holmes duck at the Sherlock Holmes museum, but my roomie assures me there is in fact a Sherlock duck. I did some research on the ducks, thinking there are too many of them for this to be a coincidence. And this is what I came up with. Apparently, in December, a giant rubber ducky floated up the Thames to encourage Britons to have more fun. You can click here  to see pictures of the duck under Tower Bridge. Now, I am not sure if that is what the connection is, but either way it got me thinking.

This has been a fantastic year for me. All of my ducks are in a row. I have a job which I love and allows me time to do things like spend three weeks in London, I have a fantastic, supportive family, a boyfriend who makes everything easier and better, and a great group of friends. Not only are my ducks in a row, I am one lucky duck.

Now, I know that this may not always be the case. Situations can change, and quickly. However, for now, I am taking a moment to appreciate how my ducks are cooperating, and to remember that should my ducks stray from their row, it is still important to enjoy life and find fun and happiness where you can. And just in case I ever forget, this guy is coming home with me...


  1. Great life lesson learned,Ducky. Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

  2. You definitely have it right Good going "Missy Duck"!

  3. And Mitch says "remember for every duck there can also be a quack'"!

  4. You did an amazing job, loved looking forward to see what was coming next! Proud of u my Melissa ! Never forget when the ducks get confused they will eventuality straiten out! ENJOY life and never be afraid to try new things! LOVE YOU!!!!!
