Saturday, July 13, 2013

Walk like an Egyptian

Last night, the British Museum was open late. Now, one of my favorite things to do at home is to go to the Met on late nights and wander. Armed with my Rick Steves Podcast, I thought I would do the same here. Holy. Moly. This place is huge!! I got overwhelmed with the gift shop alone!! However, it is really incredible.

Despite spending lots of time lost, I loved the faces, and the common thread that no matter the time period or the era of the piece, there was an incredible amount of detail and personality put into the faces. Examples are seen above in the chess piece (from the Lewis Chessmen) the mummy, and the lion. And this theme continued throughout the museum.

Also, I am not sure what the background story is on this, but I am loving the rubber ducks throughout London. I found one reading at The British Library, and they had three versions at the museum (a soldier, a mummy, and I forgot the third.) While I have not yet succumbed to buying a rubber ducky, it is just a matter of time. Please note the rubber duckies in the British Museum are stored in a bathtub!!!!


  1. hi melissa its marcy this is great
    you know eve bunting wrote a childrens book about a ship carrying crates of plastic toys across the ocean some crates fall overboard and all the plastic toys mostly rubber ducks begin to float in the ocean eventually coming ashore in a small town although i think the town is in america its not london the town keeps track of all the plastic toys recovered-seeing your pictures reminded me of that story
    trip sounds and looks wonderful

  2. Hey Marcy! I don't know of this book, I know of the Eric Carle one specifically about the rubber ducks that go overboard. I am gonna have to check it out. I am sensing a theme...
