Wednesday, July 10, 2013

A day of firsts...except for one thing...

Today was our first day exploring London. I successfully navigated both the tube and buses! I am reminded of Make Way for Duckings every time we move or regroup. It does make it much easier though, and I am happy to not have to pay attention all the time.

First stop= Museum of London. Not something I had any expectations of, and it had some cool features (a real coach used in parades!) and an adorable gift shop.

After the museum, we had our first picnic lunch, and then headed to St. Paul's Cathedral. I am sorry to say no photos were allowed inside the cathedral, however, I can tell you we had the most amazing tour guide, and the Cathedral is amazing and well worth the time it takes to visit. At the end of the tour, we had the opportunity to climb to the top to check out the views of London's skyline. Now, despite being afraid of heights I was chomping at the bit to get up there. Well..I got as far as the first level, inside the Cathedral. And could not wait to get back on the ground. I was so nervous I actually did a full loop around because I couldn't look up high enough to find the exit. Oh, well. 

I also joined the YMCA down the road and took my first British Yoga class! 
I really liked it, except it took some getting used to the rapid fire British directions. I think I was only going the wrong way for about half the class. Tomorrow we are off to the British Library, and Platform 9 3/4 of Harry Potter fame. Heaven for a children's librarian! 

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