Monday, July 22, 2013

Weeked update- Paris edition

Yes, you read that right. I spent the weekend in Paris. No big deal. One lovely 2 1/2 train ride and POOF! You arrive in Paris. Paris is very, very different than London. It is loud, and busy, and crowded, and yes, a little stinky. It is also the first place I have been where I really don't speak the language, or have a passing understanding. However, once you get past the immediate culture shock, it is really lovely. Friday was a whirlwind, leaving London at 4:30 am. However, by the end of the day on Friday, I had seen the Mona Lisa, gone to the second level of the Eiffel Tower, seen Notre Dame, gone down the Seine, and had the most amazing cheese. I was very excited to fall into bed in a room that had air-conditioning and a full shower. Saturday was slightly slower paced, starting with breakfast at Cafe de Flore. It ended at 1:30 am, after I saw the Eiffel Tower twinkle. It was well worth the late hour. Finally on Sunday we went down to the Catacombs. Despite waiting on line for 2 1/2 hours in the incredibly hot sun, it was well worth the wait. What an incredible experience that was. After that, it was back on the Eurostar which whisked me back to London . The most incredible aspect was the speed and ease in which I could just skip between countries.

At first, it was slightly un-nerving the be somewhere where I don't speak the language or have an understanding of what is being said. Paris is definitely faster-paced than London and took a little bit of getting used to. However, I think it is really important to spend some time out of your comfort zone, even if it is just to appreciate what you have back home. 

1 comment:

  1. So happy u are having such a great time! Well because of u I know have a google acc. Love u!
