Sunday, July 28, 2013

Good-bye London. See you soon!

Well. It is here. My last day in London. I have spent the past week valiantly trying to convince my loved ones to come here instead. Considering the amount of stuff I have acquired, I could easily set up at least part of flat here. And, I do really, really like it here. But, it appears I must go home tomorrow. And so, it is see you later to London.

It has been said by a very wise, unknown person that, "travel is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer." I could not agree more. Traveling makes you realize the size and scope of the world. And your place in it. Paris was the first place I have traveled to where I really and truly did not speak the language, and was not in a large group with someone who did speak the language.  And it was hard. It was sometimes a little scary. But it was also a good experience, and a reminder of the international language of smiling. London was a city where I immediately fit in. This blog has documented all that will come home with me from my time in London. And Dublin was a lovely, amazing trip that came at a perfect time. For even though I am in love with London, there is lots more exploring to do.

I tried new foods, I met new people, I kayaked down the Thames and had fish eat the dead skin off my toes. I even went up the Eiffel Tower and the London Eye, and down to the Catacombs in Paris. Everyday was an adventure, and different than the day before. I had no cell phone or internet at my disposal, and I managed just fine.

I have been lucky to have amazing classmates for this journey. Our flat was like a little home. My travel buddies were the best. I know I am not saying good-bye to them, because we are already planning for ALA in Vegas!!

And so, as I say good-bye to my little British Life, I leave you with some of my favorite pictures from the trip. See you on the other side of the pond.


  1. Wasn't it Eleanor Roosevelt who said each day do something a little bit scary or something like that....not a bad motto to live by. Remember to keep a little bit of English currency and u will return.

  2. You have seized the day (Carpe Diem)throughout your travels in the last 3 weeks - what experiences to remember and plan for future journeys!

  3. Now you know u can go and do whatever you what, And travel were ever your dreams take you! U GO GIRL!
