Friday, July 12, 2013

Stopping to Smell the Roses...

Today marks the end of our first week (well, work week) in London. It is inconceivable to me, but it seems as though we may not be able to do everything we wanted to do while we are here. How can I be living here for 3 weeks and not be able to see everything? Crazy talk!! What to do? Stop and smell the roses!
In many ways, I can't believe how at home I have become in a city almost 4,000 miles away in 4 days. I have a morning routine that includes picking up lunch (the supermarkets here are like sandwich shops), and a coffee shop where I have a frequent shopper card, and the men who work there seem to know me. I can find my way around (a big deal for me) and can cross the streets without feeling like I am going to die. I have a yoga class that I like!! And so, even though I may not make it to the London Zoo, I am enjoying every second I have here. 
We went to Regent's Park, and we spent quite a bit of time focusing on flowers. And even though I go to the New York Botanical Gardens a few times a year, this was amazing! 

And, in the middle of it all... a little piece of home...

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