Thursday, July 11, 2013

In which I attempt to get to Hogwarts and get a British Library card!

Today was candy for librarians. Really. First stop? Platform 9 3/4. From what I have heard there has been a plaque there for quite a while. However, someone realized they can make money from this plaque, and so the Harry Potter store set up shop and hired photographers. However, the managed to find photographers who seem to see the humor in lining up in a train station to take pictures of running into the wall. And so, hilarity ensued. While I did not buy the professional picture (or even look at it for that matter), I did have someone take a picture of me running into a wall. Also, I should pause to mention here the photographer reminded me of Russell Brand. Perfect.

Next stop? The British Library. Now, it has been explained to me that this is not the equivalent of your local library. More like the Library of Congress. So, there is a process. Step one: pre-register online. Step two: upgrade to an online account. Step three: pre-select materials you would like to look at that will be sent to the reading room of your choice. Step four: actually go to the British Library with your passport and your drivers license (you need proof of signature AND residence. This cannot be the same form of ID. Clearly.) THEN: YOU GET INTERVIEWED!!! Questions about why you are applying for a card, what type of school program you are in, etc etc... And finally, get your very own library card. With your picture. Because this is serious. I decided to use "Miss" as my title instead of "Ms." because it seemed that much more British. You know, like if I were playing Wimbledon. Finally, you need to check your bag and bring everything you want with you (and only a pencil. No pens) into a plastic bag. Then, and only then, do you actually get to go to the reading rooms. While I could not take a picture, please know it was incredible. 
The interview!!

Oh, and aside from that they have some other things, like original Beatles lyrics, the Magna Carta, and all sorts of illuminated manuscripts. Amazing. 

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