Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Please sit down before attempting to read this post.

Ok. Is everyone sitting? Are you ready? Good. Today, we went to the Roald Dahl Museum and Story Centre. Is that a gasp I hear? Good, because that is the same reaction I had. I may or may not have skipped down from the train to the Museum. I was, quite literally, a kid in the candy store. There were a couple of aspects of the museum that really impressed me, and that I will take away with me. One was the way everything about the museum from the wristbands to get in to the cafe menu board was integrated into the Roald Dahl Theme. See?

The other part of the museum that I really loved was the fact that even though it was mostly biographical, it was incredibly interactive. There were two room with biographical information, one from his early life and one from his time in the war and his writing style in his older years. However, both of these rooms had tons of hands on displays that allowed children to touch and feel and try on and sit and measure and so they were able to learn while being engaged. Now, this works particularly well for Dahl because so much of his stories come from experiences he had, but it was still a great way to present information to children, and lots of the pictures I took are really samples I hope to take home with me and back to school next year. Also,  I found out that the museum would be willing to Skype with my students! This ties in perfectly to our idea to do a big celebration for Matilda's 25th anniversary. I hope our tech department in resting up this summer! 
This was a win-win. As I was busy exploring, Humphrey was hanging out with a crocodile in Crocodile Corridor.

On the way back to the train station, we stopped at Cafe Twit, where I had a Swishwiffer,  or a Coke with vanilla ice cream. It was presented in a cup that said Enjoy, and had sprinkles on top. It was the perfect ending to an amazing trip. And tonight, we are going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the new musical. Bring on the Oompa Loompas. 


  1. OMG a 2013 version of Willy Wonka? Sends shivers up my spine! Ooompa Loompa

  2. I am enjoying your blogs daily-it is my morning pick me up with coffee. I love how you continuously speak of the importance of interaction in learning for all students. Kudos to you!
