Thursday, July 18, 2013

In which I go shopping at the Tower of London

Well, we couldn't agree on a price, but I went to go visit the Crown Jewels. The nice people who work there were kind enough to pick my jaw up off the floor. The jewelry is really incredible, but I was also so impressed with the pomp and circumstance surrounding the monarchy. My favorite piece was the Imperial Crown of India. The Crown Jewels are not permitted to leave the country, and so a new crown needed to be created when King George was visiting India. The idea that the way to solve the problem of moving the Crown Jewels is simply to create a new crown is amazing. Mind you, this is not just a throw away crown. It is made with emeralds, rubies, and sapphires. Gotta love it.

After I finished at the Crown Jewels, I joined one of the Yeoman Warders tours. The Yeoman Warders are more commonly known as Beefeaters. They give tours throughout the day, and have the amazing ability to have their voice project over large crowds. Their tours are often quite funny. Everyone, meet Peter, my Beefeater.

The tour tells of the interesting and bloody history of the Tower of London. I believe we were near Traitor's Gate for this picture. I am amazed by the dark history England has. The amount of people who lost their heads because a monarch didn't like them is shocking. Even more shocking is the way that executions were done (it was like going to a picnic) and the fate of the head after it was cut off (put on a stake on the the top of a bridge to discourage other "traitors".) I am also so fascinated in the fact that children were not immune to this treatment, hearing today of Lady Jane Grey and the Princes in the Tower. 

When I finished at the Tower of London, I walked across the Tower Bridge to go to the Borough Market. This is a fresh food market full of goodies!! I picked up some meat and cheese and bread for dinner tonight. This was a sort of light day, and will be an early night, because tomorrow morning we are going to Paris for the weekend!! Not only am I excited to see Paris and all that it has to offer, but I hear a rumor that there may be air conditioning in the hotel!! We are in the middle of quite the heat wave over here, and there is a- very little air conditioning and b-very little ice. Air conditioning I get. The lack of cold drinks I am still not really used to. You never really feel cool. And there seems to be no break in sight. Now, I am not really complaining, because it could have easily been raining the entire time I was here, but every time I open my closet and see my giant fleece and rain jacket, I snicker a bit.

I will not be back blogging until Monday. However, dear readers, on Monday I will have lots to show and tell about Paris. Until then, enjoy some more pictures from the Tower of London and the market. 

You may not be able to see it clearly, but those cages house the Ravens. Legend has it that if less than 6 Ravens are at the Tower, the monarchy will fall. There was also an amazing sign that said they bite. Who knew. I can't believe I didn't take a picture of that. 

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