Sunday, July 14, 2013

Weekend update

Believe it or not, this is actually the only weekend I will be in London. And so, I went out of London to see what else is out there. Saturday was spent at Bath and Stonehenge. I learned I need to get my British history straight, because I thought Georgian style was going to be thatched roofs and what not. Oops. The Baths were very cool. I had to keep reminding myself that I was not in Rome while I was looking at the artifacts. It was really amazing, and while I didn't get to taste the water or go to new spa next door to bathe in the baths, I give it two thumbs up.

After I left the baths, it was off to the Abbey. So pretty. And it was a great contrast to the Roman style Baths. The Abbey is in the Georgian style (not a thatched roof) and is right next to the baths. Actually, while standing at the Baths, you are looking at the tower of the church.
Amazing, isn't it? 
Here are some pictures of the inside... 

Next stop? Stonehenge. Now, I will say, Stonehenge was something that I wanted to see to check off the list. And so off I went. And the lovely tour guide started to explain all of  the mystery surrounding Stonehenge, like the distance the rocks traveled, and the average life span back in the day and how there is no trace of an explanation of something that clearly took a lot of coordinating. And then we got there, and the first thing I noticed was the smell of sheep. Because that is all there is there. Nothing else. No houses, no mountains in the distance, nothing. Just fields of sheep. And some giant rocks that are in a formation from 5,000 years ago. And it got that much cooler. 

Finally, on Sunday, I went to Greenwich, with two goals. One, stand on the Prime Meridian line. Two, wander around the Greenwich Market. Step one, not so easy. London is very easily marked. I am having no problems finding my way around, despite being directionally challenged. However, finding the Greenwich Observatory was surprisingly not that easy. It was tucked away at the top of a hill. Once I found it, I paid 7 pounds to stand on line for 3 years (or 30 minutes. I lost track, but it was a while), to stand on a line. But. I have to say. As I skipped down the hill, I was smiling. Prime Meridian picture? Check

I took a quick spin of the market, but it was really crowded and very overwhelming, but it had potential. 

And, the Starbucks tour continues...Bath, and Greenwich. Surprisingly, no Starbucks at Stonehenge. But they are building a visitor's center, so maybe soon. 

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